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GitlabCI configuration documentation



  • Create account for CI bot
  • grant Admin access to this bot in the repositories you will want to use GitLabCI with


  • Create account for CI bot


GitLabCI for GitHub integration

The process is descriebd in the official documentation.

Following projects were integrated:

CI/CD variables

Following variables are used on the trenchboot1 group level (they are used by both the repositories in TrenchBoot and 3mdeb subgroups): - CACHIX_AUTHTOKEN - authotken to push nix artifacts to the 3mdeb cachix - CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY - signing key to sign the artifacts pushed to the 3mdeb cachix - RTE_IP_1000V - local IP of the RTE connected to the Asrock R1000V board - RTE_IP_APU2 - local IP of the RTE connected to the APU2 board - RTE_IP_SUPERMICRO - local IP of the RTE connected to the Supermicro m11sdv-8ct-ln4f board - YOCTO_CACHE_PATH - local path where the Yocto cache is stored in the local HTTP server - YOCTO_HTTP_CACHE_IP - local IP address of the HTTP cache server - YOCTO_HTTP_CACHE_RSYNC_KEY- private SSH key used to populate the Yocto downloads/sstate cache on the local server using rsync - YOCTO_HTTP_CACHE_USER - username to the local HTTP cache server

Following variables are used on the trenchboot1/3mdeb subgroup level: - GITHUB_GROUP - gitlab group prefix for 3mdeb repositories - GITHUB_GROUP - github group prefix for 3mdeb repositories

Following variables are used on the trenchboot1/trenchboot subgroup level: - GITHUB_GROUP - gitlab group prefix for TrenchBoot repositories - GITHUB_GROUP - github group prefix for TrenchBoot repositories

Thanks to the group variables, we can have the same .gitlab-ci.yml content for both groups, and adjust some variables (like prefixes) there.

Setting up local runners

Follow the gitlab-runner documentation.